
Meet Holy Family's Musical Talents!


Led by the wonderful Mrs Lewins (and with help from volunteer Mrs Linard) our KS2 choir attends many events throughout the year including the Junior Music Festival at Southend's Cliffs Pavilion, the Castle Point Mayor's Christmas Concert and the Southend Music Festival, where they were recently crowned winners of the competition.  In Year 2 children enjoy the opportunity to take part in the Infant Music Festival.

Choir 1.mp4
Choir 2.mp4

Music Mission Drummers

We are pleased to welcome staff from Music Mission into school on a weekly basis who host cost-effective drumming lessons for those children who wish to take part. Tim and his team help our pupils to build their confidence and enhance their focus whilst promoting inclusivity and happiness in the joys of learning to play an instrument. Children get to showcase their drumming skills to parents, staff and friends during termly assemblies as demonstrated in the video to the left.


To help our pupils reach their maximum potential in music, and to help promote good friendships and musical fun, we work in partnership with Rocksteady Music School. The service, which takes place during school hours once per week, encourages children to form a band with their peers and to learn how to play an instrument of their choice. The bands have the opportunity to perform to the whole school in several assemblies throughout the academic year. 

Essex Music Services - Piano

In conjunction with Essex Music Services, our pupils are also able to learn to play the piano with one of Essex's qualified piano tutors. Lessons take place every Thursday and Children can learn to play individually, on a 1-1 basis.