School Menu

Our Current School Menu

Winter Menu 2024-2025.pdf

More Information

Our School Kitchen

Holy Family has a large, well-equipped kitchen that enables the school to offer nutritious hot meals every day. We employ our own catering staff who have all the relevant Health & Safety, Food Safety, and Allergy Awareness qualifications. Mrs Willis and her staff were recently awarded a 5 Star food hygiene rating from the Food Standards Agency.

Packed Lunches and School Dinners

Children may stay for school dinners or bring a packed lunch to be eaten at lunchtime. We encourage our pupils to eat in a well-mannered way and to clear away after themselves. Sandwiches should be brought in a strong container or lunch box with a lid clearly marked with your child’s name and class. A drink of water will be available for every child who brings a packed lunch but if you wish to provide your own suitable drink it should be in a carton or flask. No bottles or cans are allowed.

The cost of a school dinner is £2.30 per day (£11.50 per week). Dinner money should be paid for on the day the meal is taken or in advance by ParentMail.

Allergies/Dietary Requirements

Mrs Willis can cater for special requirements linked to allergies. If your child requires special foodstuffs, please contact the school office.

Free School Meals

Children in Reception, Years 1 & 2 are all entitled to universal free school meals paid for by the government. In addition, older children whose parents are in receipt of a variety of state benefits are entitled to free school meals. The criteria to receive free school meals are set by central government. Please speak with the school office for further information.
If you would like to apply for free school meals please complete the free school meals form and return it to the school office.