Admissions Overview
Holy Family Catholic Primary School was founded by the Catholic Church to provide education for children of Catholic families. Whenever there are more applications than places available, priority will be given to Catholic children in accordance with our oversubscription criteria as detailed in our admissions arrangements. The school is conducted by its governing body as part of the Catholic Church in accordance with its trust deed and articles of association, and seeks at all times to be a witness to Our Lord Jesus Christ.
As a Catholic school, we aim to provide a Catholic education for all our pupils. At a Catholic school, Catholic doctrine and practice permeate every aspect of the school’s activity. It is essential that the Catholic character of the school’s education be fully supported by all families in the school. We therefore hope that all parents will give their full, unreserved and positive support for the aims and ethos of the school. This does not affect the right of an applicant who is not Catholic to apply for and be admitted to a place at the school in accordance with the admission arrangements.
Admission Documentation
All mid-year applications should be made direct to the school. The headteacher very much encourages parents to get in touch in the first instance so that a tour of the school can be arranged and so that we get an opportunity to meet you. If you are interested in applying for a mid-year place for your child[ren] please telephone the school office or email the administration team.
Reception Admissions - September
As you may be aware, the primary school (Reception) admission round opens on 6th November 2023, for parents of children wishing to apply for a Reception school place for the academic year that starts in September 2024.
The statutory national closing date for applications is 15 January 2024.
From 6th November 2023, applications can be made online.
Essex County Council do not send letters to parents about making an application. All of the application information is available on the website.